The Royal Society of Tasmania, in conjunction with marine science presenters, Beer Aquatic, invite you to a lecture by Marine Biologist, Dr Peter Puskic, on Thursday 31 August 2023. The lecture will be held at the Hobart Brewing Company, 16 Evans Street, Hobart.

No prior registration is required to attend – just come along to a fun and informative presentation. Bar food and drinks available.
Admission is free, and everyone is welcome to attend.
The message-in-a-bottle is a longstanding romantic trope. But what message are we sending when that’s a plastic bottle, rotting its way into the ocean’s foodweb? Dr Peter Puskic, a marine biologist with expertise on the impacts of plastic pollution on marine wildlife, will guide us through the lifecycle of a bottle adrift at sea, from humble beginnings to the belly of seabirds, to remote tropical beaches and to its final resting place at the bottom of the ocean

Dr Peter Puskic is an interdisciplinary marine scientist with expertise in understanding the impacts of Anthropogenic stressors on environments, wildlife, and human communities. A highly experienced field biologist, he focuses mostly on marine wildlife physiology and population monitoring (turtles, seabirds, marine mammals), plastic monitoring and clean ups. He has conducted fieldwork in remote and challenging environments.