The RST Library
The Royal Society of Tasmania (RST) collected and maintained a Library since its formation in 1844. Today it is a rich collection of early scientific and natural history books and journals, together with a diverse range of early Tasmanian family’s documents including letters, photographs, drawings, diaries and maps.

Most notable in the RST Library is the oldest printed book in Tasmania – Iohannes Niders “Commentary on the Ten Commandments” printed c1470. It was given to the Royal Society in 1853. The RST Library also includes a large current journal collection of scientific interest, derived through an exchange program with other scientific institutions. TRST Papers and Proceedings are held in both paper and electronic formats.
The RST Library was transferred to the University of Tasmania Library in 1969 and is housed in the Morris Miller Library, Sandy Bay Campus, University of Tasmania, and a branch library is housed within the QVMAG Library in Launceston.
The Morris Miller Library manages the RST Library as part of a longstanding agreement between the Society and the University. Access to the RST Library is available for all members and the public, and a selection of digitised material is available online. Much of the Collection has been catalogued and is available via the online catalogue. The Morris Miller Library also manages the distribution of the RST’s Papers & Proceedings. UTAS Library staff provide a reference service via email, phone and in person. Please see opening hours and contact information.

Members of The Royal Society of Tasmania may borrow from the University Library as community borrowers. Applications for library membership can be made using the online application form. No fee is charged for library membership.
The Northern Branch maintains a small collection of books and other documents in the QVMAG Library, curated by Honorary Librarian Andrew Parsons. Access is available to both members and the general public upon request.