Members and guests are invited to join us for the annual Christmas Dinner and Lecture.
Wednesday 4 December. Note a new venue: The Pickled Pear at The University Club, 38a Dobson Road, UTAS, located opposite the Engineering Faculty – ample parking, disability parking and access.
The formalities and meal commence at 6.00 pm, but please arrive earlier for a convivial drink and chat.
Please fill in and return the acceptance form to before 13 November. Download the acceptance form using this link. Cost is $75 per person.
The lecture to be given by Dr Hanne Nielsen, Senior Lecturer in Antarctic Law and Governance, UTAS, is entitled:
“Antarctica and Popular Culture”
Dr Hanne Nielsen is known for her research on representations of Antarctica in culture and the arts, particularly in literature and media. She has a background in Antarctic Studies and has explored how Antarctica is depicted in various narratives, focusing on the intersection of polar history, gender, and cultural studies.