A new year begins for the Royal Society of Tasmania
At the Annual General Meeting held on 1 March, the following office bearers and Council members were elected:
PRESIDENT: Mrs Mary Koolhof
VICE-PRESIDENT: Prof. Jocelyn McPhie
SECRETARY: Mrs Marley Large
TREASURER: Mr David Wilson
Mr Peter Manchester
Ms Niamh Chapman
Early Career Researcher: Dr Robert Johnson
Student Councillor: Ms Shasta Henry
Congratulations to all those elected, and a very warm welcome to the new members of Council. A warm welcome also goes to our new Editor, Dr Sally Bryant, and Mr James Crotty who has accepted the appointment of Honorary Solicitor. It is very much appreciated when members commit their skills and experience to furthering the aims of our Society in the advancement of knowledge.
Grateful thanks are extended to all those who worked hard behind the scenes in the organisation of the Annual General Meeting and the preparation of the Annual Report.
The Annual General Meeting was very well attended, with 90 members and guests, and many positive comments on the new venue. Warm thanks were extended to outgoing President, Prof. Ross Large AO, and the 2019 Council who worked so hard on behalf of the Society.
The lecture by Prof. Jean-Philippe Beaulieu was heard with great interest.
The Royal Society of Tasmania coat of arms carved by Nellie Payne in 1930