Robin Walpole
Chief Engineer,
Tasrail, Launceston, Tasmania
will present
The Long Road Back from the Edge of Extinction – the Tasmanian Railway dilemma.
in the Meeting Room, QVMAG at Inveresk
2.00 pm Sunday October 27th 2013
Admission: $5 General Public, $3 Friends of the Museum, $2 Students
Free for members of the Royal Society of Tasmania
To assist us with the organization of this event
RSVP by Thursday 24th October 2013:
Email or telephone 6323 3798
Tasmanian Railways have had a chequered history. This illustrated talk will shed some light on the historical context of the third failure of Tasmanian railways and the challenges of its survival in today’s context. It will discuss the conditions that led to the railway’s failure, the concept of The Owner of Last Resort, the gradual reconstruction process, and some of the challenges in overcoming past compromises. Many interesting photographs will accompany this enlightening journey into Tasrail’s history.
Robin Walpole is currently the Chief Engineer of Tasrail and brings to the position extensive experience in railway infrastructure throughout Australia, SE Asia and Africa. Prior to coming to Tasrail he was working on the rehabilitation of Third World narrow gauge railways in Africa.