Presentation by Tony Mount
Royal Society Room
Tuesday, 1st June 2010 Commencing 8.00 pm until 10.00 pm
About the Speaker
After moving to Tasmania, Tony Mount took a MSc in Forest Ecology at the University of Tasmania in 1966. In 1967 he visited and lectured at all four British Forestry Schools and in 1969 addressed the Fire Ecology Conference, held in Florida, on Eucalypt Fire Ecology. He taught Forest Ecology and Conservation at Melbourne University for three years from 1973. He is the author of the ‘Soil Dryness Index’, ‘Australian Bushfire Research’ and many other forest fire papers.
Brief Abstract of the Talk
Bushfires are usually seen purely as disasters or tragedies; however, they also have had a vital role in regeneration, growth and the health of Tasmania’s natural environment for millions of years. The lecture will address such issues as fuels and fire behaviour, fire effects and many others that come under these banners.