Wednesday 23 February 10.30am
Central Gallery, TMAG
We are very pleased to invite you to the launch of the Checklist of Tasmanian Beetles by Dr Simon Grove, Senior Curator, Invertebrate Zoology at the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery.
This is a joint event hosted by the Friends of TMAG and the Royal Society of Tasmania.
The book, published by the Royal Society of Tasmania with financial support from the Friends, is a catalogue of all the described species of beetles from Tasmania, including Macquarie Island. It includes a meticulous up-to-date list of 2,864 species, including over 600 endemics, and colour plates featuring at least one representative species from almost every one of the 117 beetle families.
Simon Grove will speak to us about Tasmania’s rich array of beetles, and describe how advances in fieldwork and taxonomic studies have contributed to this comprehensive work, which continues a long tradition of developing insect checklists with relevance to Tasmania going back to 1842.

This is a FREE EVENT. Be assured that TMAG is working hard to provide a clean, safe environment for your visit, and seating will be socially distanced. The normal check in requirements will apply when you arrive at TMAG, and you will need to wear a mask (unless the rules change between now and then).
BOOKINGS ARE REQUIRED – please use this link. Any members unable to use the internet registration, please contact the RST at .