Personal profile: Andrew Parsons
Andrew has been associated with the Royal Society of Tasmania since 2010.
He worked at the AMC and UTAS libraries, Launceston and Hobart, from 1996 through to early 2013. From 2010 to 2013, he managed UTAS Library’s special and rare collections; as part of this role he served as Hon. Librarian to the Society. During his time as the Society’s Hon. Librarian, he oversaw the continuation of digitising of the Society’s archives and ‘Papers and Proceedings’, as well as completion of cataloguing and reorganisation of the Society’s serials collection (with acknowledgement of the efforts of the previous Hon. Librarian and former Councillor, Graeme Rayner).
In February 2013 he took up the position of Library Coordinator with the library at the Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery, where he revived the Society’s northern library collection. Andrew is one of what might be a mere handful of Society members to have had the privilege of serving in both the south and the north of the State; on the Council (2010-13) and then the Management Committee of the Northern Branch (2013-).