Papers and Proceedings and Special Publications

Since 1849 the Society has published annually at least one volume of refereed scholarly papers – titled the Papers and Proceedings of The Royal Society of Tasmania – containing research that focuses on Tasmania or is particularly relevant to Tasmanians.
Personal subscription to the Papers and Proceedings is made through membership of the Royal Society of Tasmania. Institutional subscriptions are also available.
Single papers from all volumes are freely available from this link.
The price of back issues of Papers & Proceedings is $30 per volume. Members of the Royal Society of Tasmania are eligible for a 10% discount. Postage within Australia is $12 per volume.
For enquiries regarding institutional subscriptions or back editions of Papers and Proceedings, please contact the Honorary Editor at
Special publications are also issued from time to time. See a sample below.
“The Library at the End of the World” – Natural science and its illustrators, edited by Anita Hansen and Margaret Davies (published in 2014).
“Charles Darwin in Hobart Town” – The Royal Society of Tasmania’s contribution to the 200th Anniversary celebrations of Darwin’s birth.
“Procellariiform Biology” – A tribute to Irynej Skira 1950–2005 (published in 2008).
“The Sub Antarctic” – Proceedings of a forum held at CCAMLR on behalf of Antarctic Tasmania 6-7 July 2006. 214p. The volume contains 21 papers on various aspects of the Sub-Antarctic islands including coloured plates and diagrams (published October 2007).

“Tasmanian Wilderness – World Heritage Values”.
“Aspects of Tasmanian Botany” – A collection of botanical papers given at a symposium honouring the work of Dr Winifred Curtis AM.

“Walk to the West” – The edited diary of James Backhouse Walker recording experience and observations made during a walk to western Tasmania in 1887 by seven prominent Tasmanians, most of them members of the Society. Edited by Dr Michael Stoddart. Currently out of print.

Prices for Special Publications range from $10 to $60 per volume. Members of the Royal Society are eligible for a 10% discount.