The Northern Branch of the Royal Society of Tasmania invites you to a public lecture by Professor Jocelyn McPhie at 1.15pm on Sunday 26 March 2023. The lecture will be held in the Meeting Room, QVMAG, Inveresk, Launceston.
This lecture will be recorded but not live-streamed.
Admission is free for members of the Royal Society of Tasmania. General admission – $6. Students, QVMAG or TMAG Friends, and members of the Launceston Historical Society – $4. Full Covid vaccination and the wearing of face masks are highly desirable.

The 2007 eruption of Piton de la Fournaise on Reunion Island was one of the largest for the past two centuries and remarkably complex, involving multiple events at different locations and contrasting eruption styles. Nevertheless, analysis of the eruption records and the products has revealed spatial and temporal connections among the different events and styles that were fundamentally controlled by the magma supply

Professor Jocelyn McPhie
Jocelyn McPhie is a volcanologist and for most of her career (1990 to 2015), she held an academic position at the University of Tasmania. Since retiring from the university, she has been consulting to the minerals industry, providing technical advice and professional training in volcanology. She maintains an adjunct position with the University of Tasmania, continuing to supervise PhD students and to participate in research projects. She became a member of the Royal Society of Tasmania in 2020 and President in 2022.