Nominations are open for the
Closing date is Thursday, 12 September 2019.
Established in 1930 this Medal is awarded to a scholar distinguished for research in Tasmanian science or Tasmanian history. Competition for the award alternates between the disciplines of science and history. The 2019 Medal will be awarded in the discipline of science.
A memorial medal will be presented to a scholar distinguished for research in Tasmanian Science or History. The recipient will deliver the Clive Lord Memorial Lecture and, if not a member of the Society, will be offered free membership for one year.
· Nominations are sought from members of the Society.
· Nominators are not restricted to members of the Society.
· Self-nominations are not allowed.
· The Honours Committee of the Royal Society of Tasmania also acts as a ‘Search Committee’, considering names prompted by its own deliberations.
Nomination Process :-
Nominations will only be received in digital form.
The first page of the nomination should list:
• The name of the medal.
• The name of the candidate and contact address.
• The name of the proposer and contact address.
This should be followed by a description of the candidate’s achievements relevant to the Clive Lord Medal. It should be no longer than one page and should be written concisely and in language that is widely understood outside the candidate’s field of research. The candidate’s contributions to science, history or other field of learning, industry or society should be clearly stated.
A full curriculum vitae should be provided in confidence. It should include the candidate’s date of birth, the date of receipt of degrees, and a full list of significant published works. Where the candidate’s standing relies on co-authored papers, the candidate’s role in those significant papers should be indicated.
The Honours Committee of the Royal Society of Tasmania has limited ability to seek additional information and therefore depends on the nomination papers to provide a full and fair account of the candidate’s suitability, taking into account the criteria of the particular medal.
Applications should be emailed to the:
Attention: The Honorary Secretary
Nominations must be received no later than Thursday 12 September, 2019 at 5 pm.
GPO BOX 1166 HOBART, TASMANIA 7001. (03) 6165 7014
Clive Lord (1889-1933) was a naturalist and museum director. He was elected a member of the Royal Society of Tasmania in 1917 and was its secretary in 1918-33. He was awarded the Tasmanian Royal Society’s medal in 1930.
He was educated at Buckland’s and The Hutchins schools at Hobart and practised as an architect. He was a fellow of the Linnean Society, London (1922), and of the Tasmanian Institute of Architects. In 1917 he was appointed assistant curator at the Tasmanian Museum and was director of the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery 1923-1933. He became Tasmania’s leading ornithologist and served as president of the Royal Australasian Ornithologists’ Union 1931-32. In 1927-33 he was an associate member of the Australian National Research Council, as well as local secretary of the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science.
His major work, A Synopsis of the Vertebrate Animals of Tasmania (1924), was written in association with Herbert Scott.
He also had a keen in history and retraced the navigations of early explorers in his own yacht culminating in the publication in 1920 of The Early Explorers of Tasmania.