Royal Society of Tasmania
Annual General Meeting and Lecture – Sunday 1st March
The Annual General Meeting of the Royal Society of Tasmania will be held on Sunday 1 March 2020 at 3 pm at the new location, The Old Woolstore Hotel lecture theatre, 1 Macquarie Street.
Nominations for positions on the Royal Society of Tasmania Council are now open for election at the Annual General Meeting.
The following positions are open for nomination:
Three Council Members (3 and 1 years)
Student Member (3 year)
Early Career Researcher (3 years)
Honorary Secretary (1 year)
Honorary Treasurer (1 year)
President (2 years maximum)
Vice President (2 years maximum)
Nominations must be received by midnight on Saturday 22rd February 2020.
A copy of the nomination form can be downloaded here.
Copies may also be obtained from the RST office, Wednesdays 9:00am through 12 noon.
The completed and signed form may be returned by mail to:
The Returning Officer c/- The Royal Society of Tasmania
GPO Box 1166 Hobart TAS 7001
Deliver to the office, 19 Davey Street Hobart TAS 7001
or a signed and scanned copy may be emailed to:
For further information please contact the Honorary Secretary, David Wilson on 0409 854 101.
Following the AGM, Prof. Jean-Philippe Beaulieu will present a lecture entitled
The Secret Garden at Recherche Bay,1792
All members and friends are invited to attend.
Dr Jean-Philippe Beaulieu holds the inaugural David Warren Endowed Chair of Astrophysics at the University of Tasmania. Previously he was the Directeur de recherche CNRS, Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris in France.
Dr Beaulieu’s illustrious research career includes the 1996 Louis Armand Prize from the French Academy of Science. He is part of numerous major international collaborations and is co-lead investigator on the European Space Agency ARIEL mission, a space telescope planned for launch in 2028.
Dr Beaulieu has long collaborated with researchers in Tasmania and is a co-author of the 2016 publication, Secret Garden at Recherche Bay – 1792. The book tells the story of Felix Lahaye, a gardener with Admiral Bruni d’Entrecasteaux’s French expedition, and the garden he created at Recherche Bay.