Nominations for positions on The Royal Society of Tasmania Council are now open for election at the Annual General Meeting.
The following positions are open for nomination:
- Three Council members (for 1 & 3 year terms to be determined by ballot at the first Council meeting after the AGM)
- Honorary Secretary (1 year; may be re-elected)
- Honorary Treasurer (1 year; may be re-elected)
- President (1 year; may be re-elected for 2 years maximum)
- Vice President (1 year; may be re-elected for 2 years maximum)
- Student Councillor (3 years)
Nominations must be received by the Returning Officer, Mrs Mary Koolhof by Sunday 26 February, 2023.
The nomination form can be printed/downloaded from here. Copies may also be obtained from the RST Office open Thursdays 9.00 am to 12 noon.
The completed and signed form may be returned by mail to:
The Returning Officer
C/- The Royal Society of Tasmania
GPO Box 1166
Hobart TAS 7001
OR delivered to the RST office at 19 Davey Street
OR a signed and scanned copy may be emailed to
For further information, please contact the Honorary Secretary at